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      The results were rather shocking to some because the sleek flippers were thought to be more aerodynamic. However, this was apparently not the case. After recording the results, the tubercles had 8% better lift properties, withstood a stall at a 40% steeper angle, and had a 32% lower drag rate than the sleek flipper. The lift properties are extremely important because they affect how easily a plane takes off and also helps the pilot slow the plane for a smoother landing. The reason the tubercle flippers are more efficient and aerodynamic is because when a humpback whale swims, the tubercles push the water flow and redirect it into the crevices between each individual tubercle. The swirling maelstroms roll up and over the flipper, giving it momentum and enhancing its lift properties. 

Whale Flipper to Airplane Wings


Airplane wings are being mimicked after the flukes of humpback whales. Whale flukes have bumpy and ridged flippers which do not stall as quickly, and produce more lift and less drag than sleek flippers that many airplanes are typically modeled after. Tests were run by biochemist Frank Fish of Westchester University, Laurens Howle of Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University, and David Miklosovic and Mark Murray at the U.S. Naval Academy. Their experiment consisted of creating two 22-inch scale models of humpback pectoral flippers. Duke University and the U.S. Naval Academy provided polycarbonate to build the flippers with, and a place to compare the two flights. One of the flippers had the bumps on it, known as tubercles, and the other, known as the sleek flipper, did not.

The image below shows how the flipper with tuberlces on it is able to cut through water with more ease than the sleek flipper.

Below is an image of an airplane with wings modelled after the bumpy fins of a humpback whale.

The tubercles of humpback whales are not only helpful to the design of the wings of an airplane, but also the plane’s propellers, helicopter rotors, ship rudders, fans, and wind turbines. This invention is very helpful for engineers and mechanics, both of which work to fix airplanes and make them safer for flight. This will help the airlines and passengers as well; when passengers realize they are in a safer plane, they will enjoy the flight more and recommend the airline using this new wing design. In addition, when there are more people at the airport, the shops and cafes in that airport get more business. Thus, the economic impact is widespread.

The picture to the right shows how humpback whale flukes are also  the basis of more energy efficient wind turbines.

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